11:e November - Memo
Pelvic inlet:
Heart shaped, made up by bones & joints.
Posteriorly - Promontory of Sacrum.
Laterally by: Ala of sacrum, Linea terminalis.
Anterally connected by the Pubic Symphysis.
Linea Terminalis =
*Arcuate line
*Pecten Pubis
*Pubic crest
Pelvis outlet:
Diamond shaped, made up by bones, ligaments & joints.
Post. made up by: Sactrotuberous ligament, sacrum & coccyx.
Lat. by Ischial tuberosity.
Ant. by: Pubic symphysis, arcuate pubic ligament & rami of pubis and ischium.
Låt det gjuta sig fast nån gång!
Heart shaped, made up by bones & joints.
Posteriorly - Promontory of Sacrum.
Laterally by: Ala of sacrum, Linea terminalis.
Anterally connected by the Pubic Symphysis.
Linea Terminalis =
*Arcuate line
*Pecten Pubis
*Pubic crest
Pelvis outlet:
Diamond shaped, made up by bones, ligaments & joints.
Post. made up by: Sactrotuberous ligament, sacrum & coccyx.
Lat. by Ischial tuberosity.
Ant. by: Pubic symphysis, arcuate pubic ligament & rami of pubis and ischium.
Låt det gjuta sig fast nån gång!
Postat av: Gurra
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